LFW Outfit

Sorry this post is so long overdue as fashion week ended last week Tuesday but my textiles coursework has just been so time consuming and even though 
I'm not completely finished, I thought I'd take a brake and gets a post up.

This outfit was so last minute as I had another outfit in mind before this but the weather decided to be cold and windy...sigh. It was comfortable and apparently the jacket is quite trendy because, I saw a couple of people wearing similar ones or if not the same jacket as I was and it looked really good. I also got photographed by 2 people which I was so thrilled about but,  I just wish I had brought a better bag with me but I'll just have to wait until the next LFW whereby I will be much more prepared. 

What I'm wearing:
Jacket: Internationale
Trousers: New Look
Earrings: Primark
Shoes: Primark
Top: New Look 

Love Yvette xo

This entry was posted on Thursday, 28 February 2013 and is filed under ,,,,,,. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

2 Responses to “LFW Outfit ”

  1. You look very pretty, I ADORE your pants! I've been looking for a pair like that in blue. This purple looks awesome. :)

  2. Thanks! I know, these were so hard to find but it was all thanks to the sale hehe! xo

