Hello everyone, hope everyone is doing alright. Sorry I haven't been posting lately but I've been really busy with coursework and revision but Its half term now - Yayy!
Recently on Instagram I've been seeing people post screen shots of their keek account and I was confused as t what it was about so I downloaded the app last night and decided to see what all the hype is about. Little did I know that a lot of celebrities such as all of the Kardashians have a keek account and are constantly posting 'keek' (videos) on their account.
Basically, it's a video sharing social networking site that allow you to post a video up to about 35 seconds. I know it sounds short but it's the new way of vlogging and I really like it and don't worry its free. So if you're thinking about making a vlog channel on YouTube I guess this is your way of practicing. You could anything you like from ootds, fotd, or just little daily snippets on a day to day basis. It only takes two seconds to make an account, so get keeking!
Btw, I'm currently in London and tomorrow I'm heading to Somerset house for the last day of London Fashion Week! I'm so excited, and I shall be doing a post about the day full of street style pictures so stay tuned
Follow me on Keek: ThatChickYvette
Keek: The New way to vlog
This entry was posted on Monday, 18 February 2013 and is filed under Keek,new things,vlogging. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.