LFW - Paul Costelloe Show

Arriving at LFW is usually the time where I get to see bloggers n real life rather than on my screen. What I never expected was to actually attend one of the shows. I was lucky enough to be given a last minute ticket for a lovely lady, in return for some photo's of the show with my camera a long with my new LFW buddy who I met that day, Leonie. Check out her website here
Who knew that high-key lighting (media terminology, sorry) would not always work in my favour. One thing I learned is to always look at pictures once you've taken them just in case setting or lighting go on whiles taking the images. 

The Paul Costelloe show was set in.... which was about a 3-5 minute walk from Somerset House. Paul did not fail to stun the audience with this beautifully textured pieces and fabulous prints. The vibrant colours and mixed textures shown on the models showed us the variations in style and art in several ways that is indescribable. What a joy it was to see not only the garments and pieces, but to see such an influential man in the flesh. 



Love Yvette xo

This entry was posted on Tuesday, 24 February 2015. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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