Summer Photo Diary 2014 - #1

Lately I've been having a little bit of fun with family and friends this summer before I go back to the hectic life of a student. So I've just gathered some images I've taken on my camera to show you the kind of things I've been getting up to. I've got much more pictures on my phone so I'll be posting more of the images soon and you can follow my Instagram: ThatChickYvetteB to have a look at some more pictures. 

In the Limo, on our way to my auntie's 40th birthday meal

Little cousin on our day trip to a holiday park

Family picnic on our day trip 

All the family eating Jellof rice lol

Shooting in a lovely pathway for blog images 

Close Up that my mum loves*aww*

My Two little brothers AKA Blog Photographers!

Just behind Starbucks in Camden 

Walking about in Camden before a photoshoot

Love Yvette x

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