Overdue return

Well, where do I start?
I know I have been really MIA that its quite unbelievable but to be honest it was for a good purpose.
I've had my first year exams which I have finally finished! The last one was on June 3rd (my birthday *sigh*)

Hopefully, I will be able to return to my blogging days as I've got so much planned for this blog but I'm also thinking about stating a YouTube channel or just posting video's on here so that you an all put a voice to a face. I might just do a couple of vlogs throughout the summer seeing as I love talking lol. Hope anyone who had or are doing their exams do well! 
 Hope you're all having a great day! 

Follow my Instagram: @ThatChickYvetteB
Follow my Twitter: @ThatChickYvette 

Love Yvette xo 

This entry was posted on Saturday, 14 June 2014. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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