Boohoo Wishlist

Boohoo Wishlist

Boohoo dress

Boohoo pvc jacket

Boohoo flared skirt

Boohoo cut out boots

So I'm not sure if I've said anything a bout getting a job at Next recently (Christmas temp) but after a long hard search for a job I finally got one. even though it can be quite tiring, I really enjoy is and I don't want it to be over :-(
Although I may not have enough money in my budget (yes I've started to budget my money but I don't think it will really work...) I'm hoping to get a couple of things and I may order a couple of items from shops such as Boohoo, eBay, Missguided etc. Here's my little wishlist if I did have a lot of money to spend. A girl can dream can't she?

Love Yvette xox

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