A/W Wishlist #1

A/W Wishlist #1

New Balance red shoes

Vintage rucksack
$13 - bankfashion.co.uk

$16 - newlook.com
So this A/W season I have had an eye on a lot of things and hopefully if I can get a job anytime soon then I will actually be able to have them. I will be doing a couple of wish lists throughout this season so stay tuned for that.
Hope everyone had a great week :-)
Love Yvette xo

This entry was posted on Friday, 18 October 2013 and is filed under ,,,,,. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

2 Responses to “A/W Wishlist #1”

  1. I love that bag!


    1. Same! Its so lovely.

      Btw, I love your blog :-)x

